
Showing posts from October, 2016

Mayday's Just Rock It 2016

如果我们不曾相遇 我会是在哪里 如果我们从不曾相识 不存在这首歌曲 士别三年 我们相遇吉隆坡 虽然没能赶上以前的演唱会 但是以后的每一场我都会赴约 在现场听你们唱歌就是有不一样的感觉 感动得想哭了 你们的歌声纪念了许许多多的回忆 你们的歌总能说出很多人的心声 谢谢你们给了五迷们一个难忘的夜晚 这19年你们一路走来很不容易 你们向大家证明了梦想可以高飞 甚至可以飞向全世界 是你们让我学会了 有梦就勇敢去追逐 不理会世俗眼光 自由地翱翔 昨夜真是一个璀璨的夜晚  每一幕都记忆犹新  真想回到每个场景 拨慢每只表 因为我真的很舍不得你们 不知下次的相遇又是何时 很庆幸把我第一次演唱会献给了五月天 还能看到阿信打鼓 听到你们的笑话 生命再长不过烟火 喜怒哀乐都有你们相伴 我这一生已无憾了 两个月的等待 就为了今晚 蓝色代表着老朋友 超酷的荧光棒   闪亮的星星-《知足》多美的一片星海 就这样3.5小时的演唱结束了。五月天,期待下次与你的相遇! Loves,  See Qing 22102016.

First Year of Med School

Hi peeps! It has been awhile. Just to update my current status cause I have too many things wanted to say. Too many things happened in between these few months and so this post will be a bit longer than normal haha. Just bear with me or you are free to close the window haha! After A-level, I seriously have no idea about what to do in my future. Though I have my own plan since long time ago, but some undesired things happened which led me to many question marks. I wish to pursue medicine after pre-u which is also one of my dreams. I have made my application to two of the universities and I got the offer but I withdrawn the offer at the end due to expensive tuition fees and unavailable of scholarships (yes, there are scholarships available for one or two top students for some unis but too bad, I am not that smart to receive that honour haha). *too many similar cases around me and I feel you* Yeah, at the beginning when I make my applications, I just wanted to try my luck and wish to ex...