It's Amelia's Birthday!!
Yesterday was our beloved Amelia's big day. We celebrated her birthday at The Gardens. Almost half of class attended her birthday celebration including one of her close friend. One day before her birthday, Joyce, Xin Jie and I bake a cake for her. It's a green tea tiramisu. Many incidents happened during the baking process. First, we forgot about the cream of tartar. The function of tartar cream is to raise the cake to make it more fluffy. We skipped that ingredient since it only required in small amount. Till the cake was nearly finish baked, it looks pretty good. It expanded to a size we wanted. We were happy with it because we don't know what the cake will look like since we are out of one of the ingredients. After we took it out from the oven, it shrank within minutes and turned out to a funny looking cake. Next, the cheese filling flowed out of the mould and nearly cause a flood in the freezer. Hence, we took the whole cake out and line the mould with two layers o...